I've just committed an update to SparkleXRM with CRM2015 support and the process client API. One of the design decisions I made early on with SparkleXRM was to stick with a CRM2011 solution format to allow installation on both CRM2011 and CRM2013. Now that CRM2015 does not support installing CRM2011... [More]
Chrome already provides a fantastic set of Developer tools for HTML/Javascript, but now thanks to Blake Scarlavai at Sonoma Partners we have the Chrome CRM Developer Tools.
This fantastic Chome add in provides lots of gems to make debugging forms and testing fetchXml really easy:
Form Information-... [More]
Ever since the script Web Resource loading behaviour changed in UR12 from series to parallel I've been interested in how to best standardise management the loading of script Web Resources. The fact that scripts are loaded from a variety of places makes the subject even more interesting. This post at... [More]
Since I’ve been converting Silverlight web resources over to Html & JavaScript and working on www.SparkleXrm.com , I’ve worked extensively with jQuery and jQuery-UI.
In the early days of Dynamics CRM 2011, you could use both these libraries without a problem, but with the Activity F... [More]
UPDATE: This article is outdated - please refer to https://www.develop1.net/public/post/CRM-2013-Script-Loading-Deep-Dive.aspx
We all know that UR12/POLARIS was a monumental release for Dynamics CRM what with the new Process Forms and Cross Browser support, but also included were some pe... [More]
Although at the time of writing UR12 is not yet released - I was checking though the changes in the latest SDK documentation.
In addition to the Ribbon Workbench being listed (yay!) I noticed the following statement about the getServerUrl function
"Deprecated. Use getClientUrl instead. This method... [More]
I've been using Script# very succesfully for sometime now to generate CRM2011 Javascripts (you can get a version of the Xrm library for Script# at http://sharpxrmpage.codeplex.com/).
I problem I encounted recently was where I needed to issue a delete statement. E.g.
delete xmlDoc;
There is o... [More]
After the initial Statement of Direction in May and then the interview with Brad Wilson the then general manager of Dynamics CRM, there has been quite some excitement about cross-browser support for Dynamics CRM 2011. The timescale given was "the first half of 2012" being release with UR8. The thoug... [More]
I've yet to see a clear post on how to add an Advanced Find Query as a subgrid on an entity form for CRM 2011. This is something that was quite common in CRM 4 due to the lack of sub grid support - but with CRM 2011 occationally we come up against the limitation of only showing related records and f... [More]
If you have a field value on an entity form that an Html Web Resource is dependant on, you might have the following in your onload event of the Html Web Resource:
var crmForm = window.parent.Xrm.Page;
var lookup = crmForm.getAttribute("customerid").getValue();
if (lookup != null) customer... [More]