Form File->Properties dialog in CRM 2013

One of the lesser known features of CRM 2011 was the File->Properties dialog that you could view on a record form. It would look something like:

This dialog was very useful for finding out the effective permissions of the current user on a particular record but in CRM 2013 it is no longer present in the user interface – but it is still there in the background!

If you used to use this dialog in CRM 2011 I've created a managed solution that provides you with a Properties button on the Command Bar that shows the CRM 2013 version of this dialog. (2.39 kb)
(The usual disclaimer applies)

After installing the solution, you should see a new button in the Command Bar overflow menu:

The dialog looks like this:

The only down side is clicking OK gives the 'Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page' dialog.

Hope this helps.



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