This is the third video in a series showing you how to quickly setup VSTS Continuous Integration with spkl.
Watch in youtube
1. Learn more about the spkl task runner
2. Learn how to deploy plugins with the spkl task runnner
3. Learn how to deploy webresources with the spkl task runnner
This is the second video in a series showing you how get up and running with spkl with no fuss!
Watch in youtube
1. Learn more about the spkl task runner
2. Learn how to deploy plugins with the spkl task runnner
Following from my last blog post on the spkl Task Runner, this is the first video in a series showing you how get up and running with spkl with no fuss!
I've used the Dynamics Developer Toolkit since it was first released by MCS for CRM4! I love the functionality it brings however the latest version is still in beta, it isn't supported on VS2017 and there isn't a date when it's likely to be either (yes, you can hack it to make it work but that... [More]