One of the biggest causes of unexpected bugs in canvas apps is the delegation of queries. For instan [More]
At some point, over the last few months, a change was introduced to the Power Platform CLI such that you may get eslint errors after using pac pcf init. [More]
The owningbusinessunit field has always been there in table definitions - but shrouded in mystery! Perhaps Modernized Business Units in Microsoft Dataverse was a feature that was always meant to be! [More]
Just because it's low-code, don't forget to manage 'alternative flows' in your Power Fx code. This blog shows how to manage errors in your ForAll patch statements from command bar buttons [More]
If you have canvas apps that use code components then there is a very hard link between the namespac [More]
If you are developing code components (PCF) for canvas apps you might get the error 'Couldn't import components' when adding to the canvas app. [More]
At what point will app convergence be complete - and what will it look like? [More]
I've just not even considered attending in-person events. Sound familiar? Is now the time? [More]
As a follow-on to my last post on adding custom page dialogs to model-driven forms, in this post, I show how to use the smart button library with commanding v2 buttons. [More]
Learn how how to use the open dialog smart button with custom pages to create dialogs in model-driven apps [More]